Weather and Fibromyalgia Pain

It’s a popular theory that people can feel a storm coming in their joints. In fact, many patients suffering from chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia have reported an increase in pain right before it rains. Even though this phenomenon is common, there has been no research to back up these claims – until now.

Claims of weather affecting fibromyalgia pain have been disregarded because when testing the effects of temperature change on pain, no conclusive evidence proved a relationship. However, researchers may have found a relationship with chronic pain and changes in barometric pressure. The study, published in 2013, concluded that while the relationship is statistically significant, it is not enough to make a clinical difference. It suggests that some patients may feel pain in times of low pressure, others in times of high pressure, and some patients may not feel a difference in pain at all in terms of barometric pressure.

Even though the study only found a small relationship, the data is important to chronic pain patients. The results match those of older studies who measured the same thing, and consistent results mean that we are one step closer to understanding fibromyalgia and the factors that can cause pain flare-ups.

Even though the weather may only make a small difference in pain levels to fibromyalgia patients, our physicians have noted that irregular sleep patterns and stress may make a more noticeable difference in pain levels.

Everyone is different, including fibromyalgia patients. Our physicians recommend writing down times where you feel additional or significant pain. That way, you can look back and find patterns in these situations. For example, many fibromyalgia patients experience increased pain in the mornings, so they may want to try gentle yoga to prevent morning stiffness. 

If you have noticed that your pain flares up at certain times, talk to your physician! They’ll be able to tell you about the latest research and provide you with a treatment plan from there. The fibromyalgia patients at Tulsa pain have many options available to them from steroid injections to integrative pain treatments like acupuncture and infrared therapy.

Tulsa Pain is a multi-location pain management practice in Oklahoma that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain. We are dedicated to helping those who are suffering find the relief they deserve. Our team uses a balanced approach by incorporating minimally invasive, outpatient procedures, complementary and alternative medicine, and medication to help patients take control of their pain. Call 855-918-PAIN or click on our “Request An Appointment” tab to meet with one of our talented pain management specialists today!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

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