Treating Back Pain with a Spinal Cord Stimulator

Treating Back Pain with a Spinal Cord Stimulator

If you have chronic back pain that nothing seems to help, it may be time to consider a spinal cord stimulator.

A spinal cord stimulator is a device implanted in your back. It sends low-level electrical signals to the spinal cord, which interferes with pain signals’ reaching the brain.

The treatment has been used since the late 1960s, and according to research published in 2012, it“has been established as an effective treatment in a number of painful syndromes,” such as failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, and phantom limb pain.

Spinal cord stimulation is recommended for patients who have tried other treatments without success. If your doctor thinks it might be a good option for you, you’ll first have a trial stimulator implanted. If that works, you’ll have a second procedure to implant a permanent stimulator.

The process is similar for both the trial stimulator and the permanent one. You will be awake during the procedure, although you’ll receive a sedative to help with pain and discomfort. The doctor will numb the actual incision sites.

Using fluoroscopy (a type of x-ray) to guide them, your medical team will insert small wire leads along the epidural space in your spine. The leads will be attached to an extension wire that is connected to a generator that controls the electrical stimulation. The generator will be surgically implanted in your buttocks.

Your doctor will test to see whether the spinal cord stimulator is working before closing the incisions. Generally, you will be able to go home the same day as the procedure.

Once the device is implanted, a wireless controller will let you control the electrical signals. For at least six weeks after the procedure, you’ll need to avoid bending, twisting, raising the arms, and lifting heavy objects.

A spinal cord stimulator can be a good option for chronic pain sufferers because it can help you eliminate or reduce the need for pain medication and let you adjust the “dosage” as you need to. One other advantage is that if the treatment doesn’t seem to be working or is uncomfortable, it’s reversible. You can have the device removed.

If you think you may benefit from spinal cord stimulation, please give us a call. We can talk about that and other ways we can help you manage your pain.

Tulsa Pain is a multi-location pain management practice in Oklahoma that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain. We are dedicated to helping those who are suffering find the relief they deserve. Our team uses a balanced approach by incorporating minimally invasive, outpatient procedures, complementary and alternative medicine, and medication to help patients take control of their pain. Call 918-742-7030 or click here to Request an Appointment to meet with one of our talented pain management specialists today!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

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