New Device Designed to Improve Posture

The “internet of things” is the latest trend in technology right now, which is a concept that focuses on enabling objects to be electronic and connected to a network. These so-called smart products allow us to be more mobile and keep track of things we never thought imaginable. For example, this technology is becoming increasingly common for home surveillance systems that are connected to your cell phone – making it so that you can see footage from your security camera and adjust the temperature and lighting systems in the palm of your hand. The internet of things also includes wearable technology (like the ever popular Fitbit) as well. 

Can wearable technology find a place in the chronic pain community? Lumo Lift aims to do just that. The small device rest just below your shoulders and can be controlled from your smartphone. The concept is simple: every time you slouch, it sends a gentle vibration reminding you to straighten up! The app allows you to control and set posture goals and control when the device will vibrate.

The experts at Tulsa Pain say that good posture can help reduce back pain, one of the most common pain conditions in the United States. While good posture cannot prevent herniated discs or degenerative spinal conditions, it can promote good habits and decrease overall pain. For example, many back injuries come from lifting heavy objects, but keeping your back straight can prevent injury.  Additionally, good posture promotes activation of the core to stay balanced and prevent injury as well.

On top of injury prevention, good posture can prevent the long-term effects on the body. By hunching forward in a chair or looking down at a computer all day, you are putting unnecessary stress on the spine. As a result, nerves in the back and neck can become pinched and cause neuropathic pain that spreads throughout the body. Even if poor posture is not a cause of your pain, it can certainly irritate the muscles and aggravate the existing pain condition. 

Even if the Luma Lift is not for you, our physicians highly recommend paying better attention to your posture. If sitting up straight causes pain, our physicians can help by administering interventional pain treatments like steroid injections and nerve blocks into the back to bring relief. Even though the results are temporary, this is plenty of time to make the good posture habit permanent! 

Tulsa Pain is a multi-location pain management practice in Oklahoma that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain. We are dedicated to helping those who are suffering find the relief they deserve. Our team uses a balanced approach by incorporating minimally invasive, outpatient procedures, complementary and alternative medicine, and medication to help patients take control of their pain. Call 855-918-PAIN or click on our “Request An Appointment” tab to meet with one of our talented pain management specialists today!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

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